January 31, 2011

Great start to the morning after a shocking sleep (last night was so hot inside, but too cold outside to open a window) - a cup of coffee and a long chat with Vickie in Vietnam! Left me wanting pho or a crusty baguette and some bacon. Thanks Vick :)

So instead for breakfast (which was kind of late) I had the usual grapefruit, and a cup of mango acai tea.
Lunch today was soup. Yawn. Although it is perfect soup weather, just wish I was making it myself. Red Pepper Black Bean by Campbells. In a box. Was actually alright. Had a muffin chaser ;)

EDIT: Also had a quick small salad for a snack cos I was starving. Lettuce, tomato, spring onion and some goats cheese.

Dinner is chicken & veg. Actually its chicken and veg for a couple of days, its defrosting right now on the bench. I think maybe tomorrow I might chuck it into a pasta instead, will see how we feel tomorrow.

Its definitely a gym week, planning on going every day. While being a house wife cooking and blogging sounds great, its very fatty work, and I need to get my lard-ass some exercise! I think literally rolling out of bed this morning bought it all home.

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