January 27, 2011

So for dinner last night we ordered take away, from Spring Rolls again. I had a Thai soup with prawns, and some dumplings. Was delicious, I am always in the mood for dumplings.

This morning for breakfast I had two slices of toast with peanut butter. I was a bit tired, woke up at 4am with a growling belly and didn't go back to sleep.

I had visitors for lunch today! Hooray for Krista coming over and bringing Elliot, who rolled over for the first time on our floor! Was too cute.
I cooked us up some maple bbq salmon (though this time it tasted more tandoori but still tasty) and a salad. There was an incident with my salmon fillet so no pictures... lets just say whoever filleted that fish did a bad job and left something that should have been removed. Gross! I served it with a salad of lettuce, tomato, yellow capsicum, celery and olives with some goats cheese. I went with the ranch dressing, I think I am addicted.

We topped it off with a yogurt. It was really nice to have some company for lunch for a change, next time I might cook up something a little more carb heavy...

Tonight we are having sausages in bread. Its just what we feel like. Pics of that to come!

EDIT: Here are the pics of our amazing sausages in bread for dinner. The trick is an amazing sausage. When you get that right, all your old favourites come flooding back, like mustard, pickle relish, raw onion & tomato sauce

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