January 20, 2011

Last nights dinner was win. We ate early (one of the best things about leftovers) and the turkey burgers were tastier than the first night, but a bit overcooked. Still, was a good dinner.
We both got peckish after 9pm though (one of the worst things about early dinners), so I ate another yogurt.

Back on the grapefruit this morning, with a dry ryvita. And a coffee.

Lunch was broccoli soup. Was delicious! I added a dollop of light sour cream and threw on some pumpkin seeds. Mmmmm. Suits the weather too, its freezing in here today. And it kept me going until dinner.

Tonight's dinner was roast beef with sweet potato mash, green beans and salad. I am absolutely gutted because my meat thermometer has crapped itself. I think it 'may' have spend some time soaking when it shouldn't have, so its giving inaccurate readings. Might need to fork out another $12 for a new one, and treat her better. Either way, I had this hunk of beef in the oven on 350F for 30 mins, then upped it to 400 for 15. It came out delightfully pink and juicy. I should have let it rest a bit longer but who doesn't like a bit of blood on the plate to soak into the mash??

Only one day left to vote for what I have to cook on Saturday night, if you haven't done so already please do as its currently a tie between bourguignon and stroganoff. Someone please tip it!

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