January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Unfortunately this food blog doesn't kick off too well owing to a massive hangover from an awesome New Years Eve with our good friends, the McGregor's. The food last night was pretty amazing though, but unfortunately we didn't get around to packing any of it up and saving it for today, so we woke up this morning to crusty dips, stale bread, soggy crackers and unfortunately my gruyere tarts of which my mum gave me the recipe for. I hope Maggie at least had a crack at some of the food while we slept... 

So I didn't actually eat until about 1:30pm today. I braved a subway (flat bread club sub with pickles, onion, tomato, lettuce & banana peppers) which took me about three hours to eat, plus I couldn't manage the whole thing. It could have been worse, it's sober January in our house, this year we are taking it further and also implementing the whole 'no burgers, no chips, no junk' rule, so I guess the 3 hour sub isn't so bad.

For dinner I have the biggest hankering for pho, but unfortunately being new years day our options are limited. I have some noodles in the cupboard, I guess losers cant be choosers eh?! So noodles it is, but with a side of edamame. Mmmmm.

Happy New Year everyone, may this year bring everyone good things and fantastic food.

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