January 15, 2011

In order of consumption:

Last night's dinner consisted of roasted chicken breast fillets with veg, thanks to Lee coming home with food and cooking me dinner! Nice.
He also found some chocolate on sale at the supermarket so we devoured a Hershey's cookies & cream bar. Whoops. Devoured puts it mildly too, it was destroyed, crumbs and all. Not even forensics from CSI would find traces of the tasty goodness.

This morning was BAU, here is a visual as these things are important, including the rogue seed on the plate.

We had a full day today, out and about, so we ended up treating ourselves to a lunch out at Kelsey's, and I gotta say, after 1.5 hours in the mall and tackling hungry people in the supermarket, it took everything we had to not order a pint. I had a tasty salad of popcorn shrimp (I know, I know, why have a salad if part of it is crumbed and deep fried), which is below. The seeds & feta really made this salad. Poor Lee had a disappointing lunch of some shrimp penne, it was tiny, liquidy, and well, average.

When we got home we had some 'chill the f@!% out' time, before shoveling our snowy icy driveway. I needed about 20 minutes rest after that, but then went on to prepare our dinner.
Tonight we had a stirfry pork noodle combo, of which I pan seared the pork loin with some garlic & seasoning before roasting it to its pinky perfection. Once again, I love love love my digital meat thermometer. The meat was so tender and tasty, it was lush. If we had company I would have presented it a little better and tidied up my plate, but it was just us and we were hungry, so forget that! Check out the slop marks!

Now, we are about to tuck into something for the shame files, Reese peanut butter cups. Well, the hockey is on, and we are sober, what do you expect?! A most excellent way to end a hectic active day.

Gary, this is for you. These are the pans I use for my frittatas. Any small good quality omelette  pan that is oven safe should do. These are old copper ones, and so easy - bake and flip. Done.

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