January 24 - Baking

This afternoon I whipped up a batch of muffins. I am messing with some muffin recipes, as I have to date not made decent muffins. I used to use a recipe from one of my fav cook books, Marie Claire, Kitchen, and they just fail every single time. This time I am using a mish mash of recipes from Butter Sugar Flour which Lee gave me years ago (this book also has recipes for lamingtons and anzac biscuits, so handy to have when abroad!). This batch is banana & butterscotch choc chip. Maybe not the healthiest but its true, if you want to make better muffins, make them unhealthy! They really are delicious! But I still feel like I am missing something. Will keep trying... Baking doesn't come as naturally to me as roasting or any savory cooking does. Gotta keep at it I guess. If you have any failsafe hints or recipes, feel free to send 'em my way!

Dinner is chicken thigh fillets stuffed with spinach & goats cheese wrapped in bacon, served with some roasted veg & rice.

EDIT: Dinner was average, it had potential but the bacon should have been parma ham, and was too fatty. Wont make that again.
I have since eaten an apple, a handful of almonds and about to take on a baked bean sandwich.

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