January 16, 2011

BAU today.

We drove to Victoria Park in Kitchener this morning to mince around in the -13 degree weather. There was a bit of snow, and after half an hour we were happy to be back warming up our bums in the car with the seat heaters. Happy to drive around for a while, we stumbled on to Tim Hortons (of which there are many, almost like Starbucks in the US so stumbling just means driving our usual route home and ignoring the first three or four we see), and while we hate their coffee, we thought we would have a crack at the maple glazed donuts. Our justification was that we needed change to do our laundry. At least we didn't buy any of their terrible coffee, bleugh!  The donut was actually pretty good, but nothing special. It was my first donut in about 8 months, and while I know I shouldn't be eating it, stuff it, a girl's gotta live!

When we got home we needed some serious warming up, and pronto, so I figured grilled cheese would be a good start, with ham & mustard and some brewed coffee. I actually burnt the first lot as I did them closed and in a pan, but the bread stuck and it was a big ol' mess. So I grilled the second lot in the oven. Oh, and I also wanted to show you how orange the cheese is here, turn the lights out and this stuff will glow in the dark:

This afternoon will be filled with cooking and hopefully delicious smells to go with it. Tonight for dinner is chicken and veg and probably a salad.

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