January 18, 2011

Shamefully, only a banana muffin for breakfast. And a big mug of coffee. I am seeing a pattern and I think it might be one I need to sway before it becomes a problem.... Maybe when its time to have a beer again, the coffee will slow down. Now why does that sound ridiculous?!

About to have lunch, chicken salad on toast. Might chuck in some celery, capsicum, pickle and maybe pumpkin seeds.
 EDIT:  Yep, tasty lunch with a side salad bigger than the actual lunch. Chicken salad is amazingly easy and healthy, a tablespoon of light sour cream, a lot of veg to extend it, and it will feed four people. I  guess its chicken for lunch tomorrow for Lee and I too. Chicken overload. Time for a green jasmine tea.

Dinner is defrosting - turkey mince. I am thinking turkey pastrami burgers, especially in light of The history of Meatventures going public.
Which reminds me... please vote ----> (over on the top right, you cant miss it)
The idea of the vote is giving me new challenges to cook, eat and write about it. It's my first poll so hoping people humour me a little!

Will update dinner later on this evening... but before then, another special thanks to a condiment (no fridge is complete without hundreds of condiments to choose from) that has changed our lives. Our good friends the McGregor's introduced us to this sweet pickle relish. Its the shizzle. Load this up on any burger, use it as any filler, its the bomb.

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