January 9, 2011

After a terrible diet yesterday, I dug myself out of my self pity pit and decided to start today differently, or should I say, the same. After my post yesterday I had a snack of yogurt (check out the size of it, it seriously is a snack). And then, finally enjoyed my first night with our new bed, and it was lush.

Woke up feeling almost new this morning, so decided on my BAU. The grapefruit stung the crack in my lips but apart from that it was exactly what I wanted. 

We head to Ikea today and I couldn't face the queue to the Ikea restaurant, or the food, so we stopped at Subway and I had a chicken flatbread with lettuce, tomatoes, onion and pickles with ranch dressing (shame on me). 
What I wanted and what we had were two different things, I would have much preferred a Swiss picnic, not unlike the last one Lee and I had near Le Châble on one of our walks from my sisters house in Vollèges:

It was at this picnic where my profile pic came from, that is my hand, and my sandwich. But alas its Sober January, so Subway it was. 

Right now we are sitting in our new bed messing around on our laptops drinking hazelnut coffee which I am sure we will regret later tonight when we try to get some z's, but for now we are comfortable. I have beef mince to try to be creative with for dinner. I was thinking rissoles with stuffed zucchini and some salad. Not really hungry right now so it could go either way.

Well, thats it for now. Tomorrow Lee starts work so it begins, we will be eating separately once again. We have eaten nearly every meal together in the last 8 months, and I have to say, he is the best person I know to eat with. Will be a bit strange but I am sure I will get over it. My cold is passing, and energy levels rising, so a warning to 'this week', look out, I am gonna bulldoze you!

EDIT: No energy or hunger levels high enough for dinner, so we had baked beans on toast with an egg. Nice. 

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