January 16, 2011 - Baking and dinner

This afternoon I made some of what Lee calls 'healthy slice', a slice I used to make in the UK. I got the recipe from an old boss who's brother was some football coach, the idea of it is that its low GI, no fats, and no added sugar. It has oats, dried fruit, fresh apple, mashed banana, nuts, seeds and spices. I made it a bit thin, but it tastes ok. Next time more mixture.
I also made some banana & sultana muffins. There is a bit of sugar in those, haha. But dairy free so they have one thing going for them... Obviously we are having a banana overload in the de Souza household.

Dinner was chicken, beans & salad. I just love the salad bowl, its a bit depressing for only two people but really love it. Look at it! It was a Christmas present, our friends mum who gave us the mugs also gave us this bowl, its from the same... uh... Potter? Pottist? Pott... maker! The beans are technically a salad too, I love making this because its so easy and I love the flavour. Green beans are the bomb. Plus they are so pretty with the red onion & mustard seeds.

And for the final act, perhaps a cup of tea, and.... maybe a cookie!

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