January 19, 2011

The REAL January 19th, not like yesterdays fake January 19th.

Breakfast was 'healthy slice'. Not enough food though so gotta start eating more in the morning, I was starving by lunch!
Lunch was chicken salad on ryvitas (below). It's amazing how far you can stretch one chicken fillet, there is enough for lunch again tomorrow, although I will probably send it in with Lee, as I am poultried out.
It was difficult to eat while watching CSI, as there was a scene with vomit that looked just like my lunch and they were sniffing samples of it. Nice.

Left over turkey burgers for dinner tonight, waste not want not, right? Tomorrow I am thinking soup and salad for lunch and roast beef for dinner. Plenty of time to think about it, but the beef is kind of cemented as it is already defrosting. I need to stop thinking so far ahead, I will run out of things to think about later on!

Also I think we need to buy more fruit. I have the biggest hankering for fresh apple, kiwi fruit and pineapple the last few days. We get loads of veg (some of which are actually fruit, but I don't like going in to that), so fruit is on our next shopping list.

Shameless pimping of my poll... please vote if you haven't already! Top right. Thanks!

EDIT:  Also had a yogurt about an hour after lunch, and have just had a bit of cereal. Not sure what is going on there, just peckish! What I really want is a big hunk of brie...

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