January 12, 2011

The auto timer on the coffee machine got me up nice and early today, and Lee came in with his leftover toast which I consumed and was enough to get me through to lunch.

For lunch I had bbq maple salmon and salad of raw broccoli, lettuce, red capsicum, alfalfa, pumpkin seeds and cucumber. I packed one up for Lee to take in to work with him also (although is had almonds instead of pumpkin seeds).

It was... ok. I feel a little bit disappointed, but not much I can do about that. Hope its ok for Lee. Especially after the vending machine stole his money when he went to buy a bottle of water! Might have a slice of left over pizza...

EDIT: I did eat a slice of pizza, and then a slice of bread with nutella on it, and still not feeling satisfied but definitely feeling crummy.

Tonight's dinner is leftovers - rissoles, salad, edamame, maybe not the last of the pizza, there is some meat sauce defrosting from last time I made pasta, so that should get us through tonight and lunch tomorrow. Next stop, supermarket!

SECOND EDIT: Add violet crumble and a guilty conscience to the list. Will do better tomorrow and the rest of this week and next week.

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