February 1, 2011

Change of plans last night, ended up having chicken pasta, I mentioned it to Lee for tomorrow and we both went into pasta mode immediately. It was delicious, threw in some onion, garlic and button mushrooms, nice. We then had a muffin, and I had a yogurt later on.

BAU, nice way to start the day, and February. An hour later I had the last blueberry muffin. Not making any more, too unhealthy. Might crack into making the 'healthy' slice later on.

Lunch today was this:

Chicken salad on ryvitas. I mixed up the with some pickle relish, mustard seeds, spring onion, red capsicum and low fat some sour cream. There is enough to feed us for a couple of days for lunch, we have chicken again tonight. Gotta love bulk buys on the cheap eh?

EDIT: Made the slice, much better than last time, check it out:

Also, dinner was awesome. Chicken stuffed with goats cheese & sun dried tomatoes wrapped in prosciutto, roasted onion and sweet potato, and a salad we didn't touch because there was too much food on the plate!

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