February 20, 2011

Last night I got hungry, surprise surprise, and had some baked beans on toasted left over baguette. Heinz original baked beans in North America do not taste like the original baked beans back home, or in the UK. They are sweeter, like ketchup to tomato sauce. And while I prefer the less sugary type, the good news is they come in some other wicked flavours, including the super sweet maple syrup, which is a bit of a contradiction but maple anything is always better! This is what I ate last night (what ended up in my mouth that is, I spilled  A LOT of it!)

Breakfast this morning was porridge oats, the fridge is kind of bare on the breakfast front. They are a great back up plan,  good to have around. And funnily enough maple flavoured!

We went grocery shopping and managed to get another six days worth of food for less than $90, including the veggies for the next week which we already have meats for. Being very creative, and looking forward to some of the food challenges coming up. Chicken thighs were on sale, so will make another pie (hopefully a little healthier than the last), we got some pork mince and some sausages, veggies and some tofu, plus we still have the food in the freezer from the previous big grocery shop. I love being able to find a bargain and get creative with it.

I haven't been out of the house for a week so we wanted to make the most of it today, Lee took me to Moose Winooski's for lunch to watch some sports and have some food. I had a wrap, and this time was naughty and got it with chips rather than substituting for a salad. Lee branched out and tried a Philly Beef Sandwich, and I think he got more than he bargained for. We often talk about why I don't include his food in my blog, mainly because I don't eat it! But I had to include it here cos it was... something else! I had a bite so it kind of counts as something I ate. Here it is, to give it context the pickle was about three inches long:

And this was my lunch, also tasty, and glad I didn't eat even half of the fries:

Tonight we are having pork and veggies, our favourite chipotle pork fillet, thats lean, mean and reminds us of the awesome fatty sausages we ate while we were camping in the US! Gotta love a healthy substitute. 
I am going to do some menu planning this evening for the up coming week, we are dog sitting Sophie from Friday for a week and a bit while the McGregors go to the US on a ski trip, and it should be fun! Will spend our time between our place and theirs, and  shouldn't affect the food plan at all.

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