February 12, 2011

Small reminder, please vote for my next cooking challenge over there --------->

Today we thought we had a bit of a late start to the day but in fact we were up and about relatively early considering! Peanut butter on ryvitas, again, and a cup of rooibos tea.

We ventured out to the supermarkets today. Thats right, supermarketS. We hit not one, not two but three supermarkets today, and I gotta tell ya, I need a beer!
After Walmart we went to Boston Pizza for lunch, I had the same salad as last time, Chipotle Chicken and Bacon. Here is what it looks like:

I thought there was too much cheese on it, but at the end I hardly noticed, whoops. I gotta say though, if they took the shredded cheese off and replaced it with a crumbly feta, this salad would be on fire. Also they serve it with a slice of garlic bread, would have been awesome if it were pesto or something with a bit of colour.

We finished our supermarket shopping, and I am pretty pleased, we have about two weeks worth of food for less than $200. Plus, I stocked up on spices and we had other house hold items in there, so pretty happy indeed. Tonight we are thinking beef casserole for dinner, we both have the hankering for beef. And what goes better with beef than red wine!

Tomorrow I am planning on making a chicken and leek pie, and French onion soup. We have a fairly eventful weeks worth of food planned (considering), so I am looking forward to it all. Tomorrow we will buy containers so I can freeze some cooked food, making lazy nights easier and stretching the buck just that little bit further.

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