February 16, 2011

Last night after dinner we watched a movie and I got the chocolate hankering, so Lee presented me with some maltesers, and what can I say, a girl needs her chocolate!

BAU this morning, with the rooibos tea (making a conscious decision to cut down caffeine, having coffee when I want it now, not out of habit, plus its cheaper this way). Followed by a muffin.

Lunch today was another wrap, pretty much the same as yesterday but I added some cheese and tomato. I know I shouldn't but I needed to bulk it up a bit. Was actually quite tasty, still lacking in the meat department though.

Dinner tonight is left over lasagna, I can smell and taste the Gruyère already. We will go to spin first, so it will be a later dinner. Might have a fruit smoothie an hour before spin, make sure we have the energy for the one hour battle on a stationary bike.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All sounds yum. Haven't been up to date with the blog this week so was good reading tonight. We had bangers and mash for din. Very yum.