September 30, 2011

Today is our one year anniversary in Canada. And we started it with a bit of a hangover. Actually, correction, a fairly large hangover. Margaritas were not such a good idea after all...

Lee drove me to work, we were both feeling pretty average and made a bit of a mistake, we had maccas for breakfast. I ate a breakfast burrito and a bacon and egg mcmuffin. It was good for about 30 seconds and then it was barf central. I didn't barf, but felt like I would or should. Never mind, I should listen to myself when I know I don't like maccas, I have no idea why I suggested it. Lack of anything else I guess.

Lunch was a pita from the Pita Factory. Grilled chicken with the works. And it was actually pretty good, and I was feeling much better, until about 6pm when I crashed and burned. Being pay day we wanted to have something out for dinner, but with the energy levels, we got something out and ate it in. I had a chicken laksa, which was brilliant, and had a bite of Lee's yellow curried goat. Mmmmm.

We also had a few spring rolls, where sensational. Was a good way to end what was actually a pretty terrible week. This weekend is such a relief! Might have to get my bake on....

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