October 9, 2011

Half a grapefruit for breakfast, a bit late, around 10am. Lee slept soundly while the noisy neighbours were doing some sort of construction out there, no idea how he managed to sleep through it! And there I was tiptoeing around the house, trying to not be noisy but naturally, making loads of noise in doing so.

I made some more soup, had some left over cauliflower, cabbage & zucchini, and thought, hell, why not.

Turned out much nicer than I thought it would, even if it is thick, green and tastes healthy! Was really good for lunch. Loads left over for lunch tomorrow... and probably the next day...

Dinner was chipotle pork loin. I didn't fancy much so I ate it in a sandwich, actually the thin buns that are meant for turkey burgers tomorrow. Looking forward to tomorrows cooking shenanigans, hopefully a much more interesting update.

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