October 19, 2011

Bit of an interesting day today. I worked from home as I had an appointment over lunch with an naturopath.

I had half a grapefruit for breakfast, and a bowl of broccoli & bacon soup for lunch. The naturopath was... well, interesting.  Will tell you all about it when I know more, for now its just 'try this, do that, we will see in the test results...' etc.

I got hungry about an hour after soup time, so did Lee. I ate one of his lunch rolls with smoked meat and horseradish mustard. YUM. Still, shouldn't have had the roll but options are slim pickins at home right now.

So dinner... dinner was meant to be rissoles, but unfortunately the beef had not defrosted in time. And there was nothing else in the house. And Lee and I were both starving, and to be honest, a little on the grumpy side. So, Lee being the hero that he is went and got us a pita each. Job done, but not quite the dinner we were expecting.

We really do eat pitas too often eh...

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