And the winner is....


What a great poll, thanks for those who voted, I really appreciate it!

Ok, so the hunt for ostrich fillet has begun. I have found an ostrich farm near by which can hook me up, but the problem is the store is only open during the day on weekends, and Lee works this weekend! I have made calls and visited some gourmet butchers (where I have seen it sold before) but alas, apparently it was a 'summer thing'. So the farm it is, and at least we know how fresh it is.

So, unfortunately, I am going to have to postpone this until next weekend, when Lee is off and can drive me out there. Geez, you would have thought I would have figured out this whole 'not having a licence' thing by now, right??

So stay tuned, it will be October 22 when the cooking challenge will take place.

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