June 16, 2011

Right, I didn't have the chance to update last night as I was on the couch suffering a massive allergy attack. Its really stepped up a notch, and to be honest I am not coping that well. Not only is it really uncomfortable but the stares and questions I get at work are on the increase.

So yesterday I had grapefruit for breakfast, and had a yogurt when I got into work. I didn't have any nuts, but did pack a peanut bar so I ate that. I packed a pathetic small salad that didn't touch the sides so I also bought a wrap. It was chicken and mango, and was actually ok. Expensive though, but it was slim pickins at work.

Lee picked me up from work with the bike rack yesterday as I couldn't ride home, I couldn't  really see. Nightmare. I was meant to do the cooking challenge, cook myself dinner and cook Lee a lasagna last night but I spent the night horizontal feeling sorry for myself. For dinner I ended up having a sandwich that I threw together with my eyes closed, it actually turned out pretty good.

Lee has been amazing, not only is he on night shift now but he is looking after himself and me at the same time. He even drove me in to work this morning so I wouldn't be all allergic all day. And last night he bought me a gel eye mask which has helped to no end. used twice for 20 mins last night, and once this morning. Lee's 'atta boy' points are climbing!

Will update photos and today's post later on. Until then, Happy Birthday Nina, lots of love and sneezeless cuddles from Canada!


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