August 28, 2011

After a bit of a sleep in, I totally skipped breakfast and was in desperate need of comfort food at lunch time. So Lee picked us up some more Harvey's chicken burgers, the ones yesterday were that bloody good we were craving another. Terrible, I know. This time we had chips with them, which is off the charts naughty but also really good!

For dinner I finally got around to making pizzas, which were awesome. The dough was a little hard to work with, I made it from whole wheat flour so it was a bit more dense than I anticipated. Still, they tasted ace, and will definitely do it again! They were really thin, so less wheaty and heavy than a store bought pizza, and I only used mozzarella, so lighter on the diary front too. They were just tomato and basil, so simple yet so satisfying.

And that wraps up the weekend. A little overindulgent but no point crying about it, might as well enjoy it while you can, right?



Anonymous said...

You really need to shape the dough into a fat man....or a cat....or a beaver.....Am I the only one that would do that?

Vickie said...

That was me BTW - vick

Spans said...

Nope, I would totally do that, but this dough was hard to work with! Thinking about having another one tonight, might see what I can do for you Vick ;)