August 19, 2011

I worked from home yesterday, which is usually dangerous on the food front, as food is mostly readily available. For breakfast I had some almond cereal. I know I shouldn't have milk but I just wanted it. And then promptly regretted it (thankfully I was working from home...).

For lunch I had some noodle soup, which was ok, but didn't cut it, so two hours later I had a salad with a poached egg.

I know, my poached egg looks a bit rough eh? Not even a sprinkle of paprika livened it up!

By the time Lee came home from work (around 7:45), we were both knackered and uninspired. I knew what I wanted, and knew I shouldn't have it, but we thought sod it, and went to Boston Pizza. *sigh* Why does pizza have to taste so good, and be so bad for you? Plus the wheat and the dairy, what was I thinking?? Same thing as always, I really love pizza! And my thin crust pepperoni, feta & sundried tomato pizza was delicious.

We had to do some grocery shopping after that, I am going to a bbq today and taking some food, so stay tuned for that update. We were exhausted last night. I know the old saying 'I fell asleep before my head touched the pillow', but that's pretty much what happened.

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