August 2, 2011

Ok, so last night I ended up having bean salad with a slice of lasagne, and it was win.

This morning I had half a grapefruit and half a nectarine for breakfast before cycling in to work. Around 10am I had a fruit salad with the other half a nectarine, some strawberries, rasberries, a spoon of greek yogurt and a sprinkle of crushed walnuts. Nom nom nom.

Lunch was really good - I made up a chick pea and spinach spread, and chucked it in a flax seed pita with some cherry tomatoes. I didn't get a photo, but I happened to make one for Lee before he went off to work last night and it looked like this:

And I have to say, its bloody good. I will definitely make this again. Glad I put chilli in it, the kick really made it. It's also really filling, so that makes us both happy. Nothing worse than craving a post lunch lunch when at work eh?

For dinner I was meant to have grilled chicken and salad, but alas the chicken was not defrosted in time. Story of my life. So guess what I had? Yep, lasagne and bean salad again. And again, its was win.
After dinner I snacked on a Quaker coffee & chocolate muesli square. It was... ok. Not quite what I was expecting. Maybe I will have another tomorrow and take a picture of it.

That's it for today, looking forward to the cooking challenge this Saturday. I might move it to Friday and have people over, just to add a bit of pressure! If you haven't already voted, please do! Top right, thanks xx

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