August 22, 2011

How silly of me. I failed to mention that yesterday I made a lemon meringue pie. I nailed the lemon filling, and the meringue. But, yep, there is a but. It was a huge but. The shortcrust pastry I made started as a winner, but it was wrong, all wrong. What a shame. I was meant to take it to work but the pastry sucked so I figured why bother. What a waste. *cries*

For breakfast I ate some cereal and that got me through til lunch. Lunch was awesome, Lee met me as he had the day off, and picked up a rare roast beef sandwich on dark rye from Vincenzos. Gosh that is such an awesome sandwich.

We did some grocery shopping after work, after that I made yummy caesar salads. You know the drill, grilled chicken brushed with bbq sauce, sliced up on a bed of cos lettuce with pickled peppers, garlic lemon dressing with some crispy prosciutto on top. LOVELY. Not presented as well as usual, plus it really was missing a poached egg (CBF kicked in half way through prep time). But still, lovely.

And that was it. Well, that and 'some' pie filling, which we ended up chucking out cos of the shocking pastry. Shame. I hate cooking fails.

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