Bacon Jam

A few of you probably already know about my obsession with bacon jam, we came across it in Collingwood, in a little fromagerie that was just divine. I saw a little sign near the samples saying 'bacon jam' and just had to try it. And oh... oh... oh dear.... it was awesome! I could taste that bacony goodness for hours. I nearly cried that we didn't go back and buy it. It's been on my list of 'I regret I didn't buy that' ever since.

Anyway... Mike and Heather know all about this and were recently in Collingwood, and ventured into the same  little kick-ass fromagerie. They asked if they sold bacon jam. Unfortunately the store no longer stocks it, apparently it wasn't a big success and didn't sell well. What?! I don't even comprehend what that means! Who wouldn't want bacon jam??
Anyhoo, long story short (too late?) the store manager did freeze a couple so they sold one to M&H with a discount, which they gave to us last night. Amazing friends much?!

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