May 29, 2011 - Get Your Bake On

Well, I said I would bake this weekend, and this is something I have been thinking about for some time.
Even though a Swiss roll isn't traditionally Swiss, I wanted to have a crack in lamington form, kind of like my two nationalities combined. Introducing.....'The Swammie Roll'.

Isn't she beautiful?! She is resting in the fridge for a bit, I think I went overboard on the cream which is unlike me, considering how much I don't like it. But I cant wait! I thought the jamming and the creaming would be the easy bit, with the rolling and the chocolate/coconuting being the hard bit. I was well off, and realised quickly that the jam and cream were bloody hard, mainly just having control of it. Hence it squishing out everywhere.  Still, if it looks too perfect, no one would believe I made it, so I am happy with her rough edges.

I will update with todays eatings after dinner.

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