May 18, 2011

Man, that ice cream last night was the shizzle! We didn't eat very much, just a few spoons each, but it was enough.

This morning for breakfast was ryvitas with natural peanut butter and a coffee, again.

At about 11 I had a vanilla yogurt. Man, they are so small, didnt touch the sides.
My lunch was pretty much the same as yesterday, sans tomatoes because we ran out, so chucked some yellow capsicum in there instead, and some cucumber.  I also had a banana.

We went to pick up our bikes after work and the new strap for our bike rack contraption we bought from the bike store (the original one had a shredded strap which was a bit shit). It took a long time pfaffing around, but eventually made it home. It was later than we wanted it to be and still no food in the house, so once again we did something naughty, ridiculous, calorific and all that shit no one really cares about. We went to Boston Pizza and had a small thin crust wholegrain pizza each and a couple of beers. It was.... ok. Anyway.

Looking forward to camping this weekend, even if it is pissing down and really cold. Woot! Bring it on Canada!

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