May 25, 2011

Firstly, I just have to pimp my poll again, its just over there, top right of the screen -------->
I can see peeps visiting my blog but not voting, I urge you to vote, even if you don't get to eat the goods, even if you don't like the choices! Its for fun and it helps me, so have a gander and if needed, close your eyes and start clicking? What if I throw in a prize?? Would that help?

Last night I snacked on some corn chips left over form the weekend around 8pm. Not many but a few. It was good to eat early, I am liking it. Maybe I am getting old...

Breakfast this morning was a lazy ryvita with peanut butter. Shame.
I snacked on a yogurt mid morning, which got me through til lunch, which was a salad, not unlike yesterday but looking a little less tragic:

Lee picked me up after work, we went for a knock off pint as our heads are a bit full with everything that is going on at the moment, and we ended up sharing a spinach dip too:

Now we are both full so no dinner tonight, but I guess you could call that 'snack' dinner....
Sorry about the image quality, used my BlackBerry to take the pics. Real food and real pics to come soon.

Maybe a snack tonight, maybe not. We are pretty tired. Either way I will let you know tomorrow xxx

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