May 07, 2011

Today for breakfast I had a yogurt with some crushed walnuts. It was ok for a few hours but was starving by 11 so had a ryvita with peanut butter.

The plan was to make what was meant to be for dinner last night for lunch today and have a picnic. Well, the weather wasn't as permitting as we expected so we had lunch at Moose Winooskis instead, which was loads of fun as always. We both had a chicken wrap and a pint.

For dinner, well, I am pretty happy with this. I made walnut crusted chicken fillets (baked instead of fried, blitzed some walnuts in The President and threw in some breadcrumbs), made up some spicy guacamole and made burgers with red pepper slider buns and some arugula. That and a side salad of quinoa, chickpeas, zucchini and asparagus. Bloody good.

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