May 24, 2011

So my prediction was right, we devoured the remaining ice cream last night and it was good. Nuff said!

Breakfast this morning was a ryvita with peanut butter, we ran out of grapefruit. Hardly fulfilling but somehow managed to get us through until lunch o'clock.

My lunch was chicken and salad (lettuce, tomato, pickles and olives). It was... ok I guess. Lacking in imagination, thats for sure but I am always a sucker for pickles!

Dinner was really early, Lee came to pick me up with a chicken pita in hand, so we scoffed those by the lake before doing the grocery shopping. Really good, as usual (the pita, not the grocery shopping). We might need a snack later on, but have plenty at hand.

Now, for more important things, I am posting my next challenge! The theme is Sweet Stuff, I need to get my bake back on, as I hardly ever bake. The choices are all things I have never made before, and happen to be things that I love and would love to learn to make. There was a massive list of Sweet Stuff I wanted to include on this poll but I had to limit it to things that can be transported ie in to work or to a friends house, mainly so I don't have Sweet Stuff in the house. You know what I am getting at, don't make me spell it out!
Anyway, please vote! The poll is in the same spot as always, top right of the screen. Thanks everyone! xxx

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