May 04, 2011

Happy May the 4th everyone. Many moons ago Vickie sent me an email with Luke Skywalker and a caption saying 'May the Fourth be With You' which I nearly fell off my wheelie chair in fits of laughter (back in the old Pacific Internet days). You know, the kind of laughter where you almost let out a bit of wee and cant stop the tears? One of those fits.
I used that image every year until now, and for some reason I cant find that email or image, its been seven or eight years and this is the first time I cant find it!  Might have to pull the 'Revenge of the Fifth' card tomorrow to make up for it. Either way, every May 4th I chuckle and remember that fit of giggles and the person who gave them to me. xx

Last night at about 9pm my belly rumbled again. I need to do something to curb this appetite as I shouldn't be eating anything at that time. Lee made me a sanga, using the whole 'sandwiches always taste better when someone else makes them' argument, which I completely agree with. And it was delicious. Sunflower and flaxseed bread with cheese, ham and tomato sauce. YUM YUM!

Woke up this morning with the commencement of a cold, damn it. I ate a yogurt with some walnuts for breakfast and had a coffee. I know, its a tiny breakfast, but so is half a grapefruit and with my scratchy throat I couldn't face the grapefruit.

Lunch today was more salad which was good. Better than yesterday.

Lee and I went for a long walk when he got home from work, its such a beautiful day we wanted to do something, and ended up getting an icecream for the return walk home. Was delicious.

Dinner tonight was meant to be cabbage rolls, and we were both really keen for them. But for reasons I should have foreseen, they were a disaster and didn't get finished. The mix was good, cabbage leaves cooked, everything was ready but I couldn't roll the bastards, I was naive and thought I could use red cabbage. They were too thick and I couldn't tuck in the sides, there was chicken mince mix everywhere.
Lesson learned, next time I will use Swiss chard instead, but the incident today put me in a really shit mood. There was nothing else to prepare without taking hours, no back up meat defrosted, so I made mini pizzas instead. I am so annoyed I could explode but kitchen failures happen, and I had one tonight.


Tyler said...

What is your cinco de mayo food?

Spans said...

Nothing exciting I am afraid, but looking forward to an interesting weekend!