May 03, 2011

I had a thai soup last night quite late as my stomach began to rumble. It was a chilli lime grass clear broth soup and it was delicious, even if it was a little unnecessary.

Breakfast today was the usual half a grapefruit and a coffee. Skipped the ryvita, wasn't really hungry.

Lunch was a big bowl of salad, and then a ham sandwich. Here's the salad. It was delicious but seriously didn't touch the sides, so had another bowl:

Dinner was poached salmon & salad. Pretty much the same salad as lunch just without olives and goats cheese, but this time I added a poached egg and some steamed asparagus, with some walnuts thrown on top:

After dinner we snacked on some left over ginger snaps from Lee's cheesecake making from yesterday (which apparently was a huge success, was devoured in no time and people are demanding he write them up the recipe!) and thats it for today.

Busy week even though I chucked in my temp job. Loads of study, food prep/planning, cleaning and exercise to do. In other news I applied for a volunteer job with the Food Bank coordinating a recipe book they are making for people to cook healthily on a budget, including food from emergency food hampers. I heard from them today and have an interview next week, so hopefully something will come of that, would be a great opportunity and something I really want to do.

Good night everyone xxx

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