April 07, 2011

Woke up this morning wishing it were Saturday. I mean, more so than usual. Grapefruit and ryvita were good, as was the coffee.

My walk into work was ok. I was starving by 9am though, so I demolished the rest of the nuts I had, and my thoughts were all about food for the rest of the morning.
I had a salad of lettuce, tomato, cucumber, olives and goats cheese for lunch. Didn't touch the sides. Topped it off with a yogurt but continued to dream about food.

Tonight was meant to be chicken drumsticks (which was actually planned for yesterday but the damn things wouldn't bloody thaw), but I was uninspired. We decided to get pho instead, yay! And it was delicious.

Still, I thought I should cook the drumsticks so made a casserole instead, with a touch of what I call 'Mum Inspiration'. Will cook up some polenta and voila, we have a hot lunch tomorrow, yay again.
Sometimes you just need a good idea from your mum :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haven't read for a couple of days but have to say that the April 3rd spinach salad with poached egg on top look scrumptious. So do the filos !! Joan