April 09, 2011

This morning I had a ryvita for breakfast, and that was it, terrible I know. I was secretly desiring poached eggs on thick white toast with bacon and spinach smothered in hollandaise but did what I could with what I had.

While Lee was sleeping I was plotting ways I could convince him to go out for lunch and maybe devour some ribs or have some sort of meatventure. However we had the chicken casserole I made and it was bloody delicious. I made some polenta for mine, didn't really need it, but was tasty anyway. Lee and I are eating at different times and I am finding that rather difficult, but never mind.

This is what my lunch looked like:

Aaaaaannnd thats pretty much what dinner looks like too! For now though we are snacking on some cheese & dip. I was going to make Team Helson Fishy Dip but the tinned salmon was rank and contained all the bones, including the spine, GROSS. Plus it was in oil (didn't say on the can, disappointment plus), so I made up a cheese dip instead - low fat cream cheese, chives, garlic & paprika with some goats cheese mixed in. Delicious. We have a French chaumes and some German maribo walnut cheese. Both awesome.

I have been menu planning for the upcoming week, and things are looking good. The President will get a workout and so will my creativity. Let the games begin!

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