April 21, 2011

Right so I was lazy again this morning and only ate a peanut butter ryvita for breakfast. Terrible. Although extremely tasty.

At work I ate some nuts in the morning, and then for lunch I had my salad and yogurt, it looked like this:

The salad was lettuce, red cabbage, cucumber, yellow capsicum, olives and goats cheese. Seriously lacking in the meat department. It was still good though, and I am loving my 'naked' salads, but I felt like I needed more substance today. The time between lunch o'clock and dinner was insanely long.

Had a few beers after 'work' with the temp crew today from Sun Life (well, I am sure one of many temp crews, but the immediate crew I work with). The menus at the place looked really good so I came home in a grump that I had to poach some salmon. Even though it would be tasty, its definitely not what I feel like!
Lee is back on night shift tonight so he is taking pizza into work, and that got my saliva glands going, so he got me a one too. Bless! So much for no pizza, but f!$% it!

So the poached salmon is for tomorrow, it will be good actually, a nice salmon salad with radishes and asparagus, and maybe an egg or something.  Mmmm. Also bought some short grain rice, I have long grain brown rice and was in the market for short grain brown rice but stuffed if I could find it anywhere. Went with white, but sure the dish is going to be a treat - aiming for tofu and shiitake mushroom rice with spinach. Should be good.

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