April 10, 2011 - update and a lesson in borscht

Well... lesson learned. It came time to puree the borscht so I scooped it into The President and there was an incident, an incident that wouldn't have happened with Madge, and would only happen when using staining ingredients like beetroot and red cabbage. You see, in typical presidential style, too many promises were made up front that he was unable to deliver on.
Basically it leaked. The liquid went up under the blade and out the hole in the middle. This would never happen with my old magimix, the centre was longer and the blade fitted better so you could fill her right up.
There was borscht everywhere, and now all our tea towels and dish clothes are stained pink. No biggie really but a royal pain in the arse.
So I reached for the blender and pureed it that way. I wanted to keep it thick, and really if I had cut the veggies up smaller in the beginning I would have been able to keep it rough and chunky, no President Fail or multiple sharp dishes to do. Ah well, next time.

It really is a delicious soup though, even if I was sick of the sight of it when I got around to the consumption ritual. Check it out, I added a dollop of light sour cream and it was such a pretty colour. 

I also made Lee's lasagna for work. Its all meat and veg, and I have to say my bechamel sauce was a winner, for some reason it rocked today, and the fragrance of the nutmeg just sent me over the moon! Pity I wont be eating it. I think there are two things missing from this lasagna. Cheese (other than the parmesan I grated over the top) and mushrooms. Other than that its chockers full of veg and should give Lee the energy he will need to get through his 12 hour night shift.

Next stop is meant to be chicken satay, but I dunno if its going to happen, I am knackered! 

UPDATE: After some Kung Fu Panda action, I mustered up the energy and made the satay chicken skewers. And I am glad I did. I baked them but could easily chuck them on a grill of some sort. The salad was Chinese cabbage, ribbon cucumber, orange capsicum and spring onion with some parsley. Bloody delicious.

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