April 16, 2011

This morning Jad made us omelets, which were delicious as always, he has a way with eggs I have to say!

For lunch we were uninspired and didn't have the energy to do the grocery shopping so we got grilled chicken pitas again. They are sooooo good, and were instant pick me ups. Although we then went for a lie down which turned into a mega nap, now I feel like we are running behind in all that needs to be done.

This afternoon I did some menu planning for the upcoming week, healthy treats is still the main focus and I am going to try a few new things.

We didn't feel like a big meal tonight so we thought a snacky type arrangement to pick at would be the best option. I made some mushroom dip and some bruschetta, we have some left over bean salad from last night and some bread and pastrami if we get hungry later. No fuss, no big deal, perfect. I am stoked with the tomatoes, they were on special and they are so red, ripe and sweet, beautiful.

We passed a bag of mini dark chocolate peppermint cups in the supermarket, and nearly bought them but decided against it. While it might have been a good decision, I really wish we had them right now. DOH!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

i want some bruschetta!