April 04, 2011

Back to grapefruit this morning, and it was delicious. So was the peanut butter ryvita. And the coffee. It was an early start, was easy to wake up this morning, the hard wake up was at 1:30am when the beeping  of a flat battery in a smoke detector woke me up. After much searching, I found it was the one in the hall of the apartment block, so there I was perched on a chair I dragged from our dining table swiping at it to pull it down. Not a good look.

I walked to work this morning as Lee is on shift and had to start at 7am. It's about 3km to my work so it was an easy walk, was there by 8 and by 9:30am my stomach was rumbling so much I am pretty sure everyone could hear it. I ate some brazil nuts and some almonds, and managed to hold out until lunch.
Lunch was a smaller version of dinner last night and it was delicious. No pics, but feel free to refer to yesterday's dinner....

I had some hummus and some celery to eat but I didn't get to it, and left work at 4pm so I left it there for tomorrow. My walk back was eventful, was pissing down and my umbrella from the Suisse Majestic has a rip in it, gutted.

Before dinner I got the munchies and Lee wasn't due to finish work until 7pm, so I ate a slice of jalapeƱo havarti cheese, which is meant to be for Lee's lunches. Sorry Lee! I can tell you though its really yummy, hahaha!
I threw together some more meat filo parcels for dinner, and made a huge mound of coleslaw using a recipe I got from Gordon Ramsay's Healthy Appetite, which was awesome.

Stuffed as! Also had some tomato and olives, as I needed to use them. We have smaller versions again for lunch tomorrow, and that will be the last of it. As yummy as they are, I am ready to eat something else.

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