April 24, 2011 - Dinner

The pesto came out great, the pasta was delicious, and the Mez Egg was an absolute treat! Shaved some parmigiano reggiano on top, with some cracked pepper, voila:

Stuffed now, so full. Worth it though, plus Lee was a huge fan. I think next time I need to add pancetta in the mix (or even crisp up some prosciutto and crumble on top of the egg) and poach the egg for a little less time so it is more runny. Mmmmm.


Anonymous said...

You poach eggs so well Anna !! Must get your tips. It all still looks yummy, but might have to stop reading till after I have eaten - it makes me too hungry !!
HAPPY EASTER !!! Joan xx

Meredith said...

Nice one - looks scrumptious.