April 03, 2011

Early breakfast today (for a Sunday), we had peanut butter ryvita with an orange. The orange was dry and rank so neither of us really touched it.

We did our grocery shopping early so we totally beat the crowds, and have a good weeks worth of food to keep us going.

Lunch was awesome. I made a spinach and red cabbage salad with pear, goats cheese and walnuts, dressed in balsamic and seeded mustard, and topped it off with a poached egg. Oh my gosh, delicious. Lee and I were so happy with it, I love when I pull stuff like that out of nowhere!

This afternoon we had an inauguration for The President, and I made some hummus. It's good, have potted some up for us to take to work with some chopped veggies.

The President works well, although I have to say my old Magimix (Madge) was a better processor. Still, he did the job and did it well, so I am really happy to have The President in my house. It also went incident free, unlike that time in London where Madge bit me, and I 'should' have got stitches, but instead drank a beer and took photos of my injury and plastered them on Facebook.

Tonight we have salad and beef and veggie filos. Doing the same thing as last time, we will probably have it for lunch and dinner for days but thats ok, its pretty healthy and really yummy. Have some interesting things to cook this week, so excited about that. Lee is on shift so I will have a few hours to myself most days so will use them wisely in the kitchen!

UPDATE: Man, dinner was so freakin' yummy, I wanted to keep eating it for ever! These filo parcels of meat and vegetable goodness are bloody delicious. I don't bother buttering the filo, it doesn't really need it, crisps right up. We just used the salad left over from lunch, and voila, instant meal. Today was definitely a good food day.

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