April 01, 2011

April Fools Day, and my fourth month into blogging everything I eat. Crazy times, but at least there was no foolery going on. We also celebrated our six months of living in Canada. While I might not be working the ideal job, we are pretty happy with our progress and how things are starting to come together.

I feel terrible about this but for breakfast I ate a ryvita with peanut butter on it, thats it. A girl at work bought me a kitkat, she lumped it on my desk and said 'I saw this and thought of you'. I was unsure what she meant, and I don't know her well enough to pull the 'ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT?!' card, that might frighten her even though Lee and I would find it hilarious. So I ate that at around 10:30am. And when I say ate, I basically looked at it and it disappeared. Didn't even touch the sides!

Lunch was amazing, I love left over pork and salad, here's what it looked like, although you pretty much saw it in the previous post about dinner:

The afternoon went by really slowly, I ate a few brazil nuts and a few almonds, and then went out for a pint with my new work mates, and Lee joined us so that was nice. Lee and I were going to go to Hog Tails for dinner, but it was packed as, so instead we picked up a chicken pita from the Pita Factory and came home. My pita had grilled chicken, lettuce, onion, green olives, banana peppers and feta. YUM-O.
Do you ever have one of those eating moments when you are actually sad when you get to the end and its all gone?! That is exactly how I felt when I finished my pita! I know that is tragic but surely someone out there can relate? Non??

Well that was it for April 01, 2011. Here's to the next 29 days with no booze.

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