March 31, 2011

Pineapple for breakfast with a peanut butter ryvita. By about 10am I was starving, but managed to push the hunger rumbles to the back of my mind until 11:55 where I couldn't handle it anymore, so I ate my lunch. Chicken salad, again, so no photo, again.

Haven't had anything all afternoon so was happy to tuck into some smoky chipotle pork. Mmmmm! And I also have it for lunch tomorrow. Double mmmmm! I made a small chopped salad of tomato, chick peas, yellow capsicum and olives and roasted up some zucchini and onion to go with it. It's a bit of a case of  'whatever is left in the fridge' tonight and tomorrow, grocery shopping on Saturday, woohoo!

There is no overtime this weekend which sucks, I really want a food processor, but it will take a few months to save up I think. Damn you Mr Mastercard and your wicked debt-rising ways!

Tomorrow is meant to be day one sober but there are work drinks so will start on April 2 instead - cheating much??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not cheating at all!!! In fact it will likely be April 1st somewhere else in the world like the very north pole when you do give up the evil drink for a month. of course if you like doing things in months you could go on to May. I do it all the time !!!! this is of course your mother.