March 01, 2011

Left over lasagna last night was win, again, but thank goodness its all gone! It was nice to not have to think about lasagna today.

Breakfast as usual this morning, only a few hours earlier as we left the McGregor's to come back home before Lee went off to work. I also got hungry way before lunch so I had some baked beans on toast. Now that I am home I can take the photos off the camera, so here are some pics of the food I missed over the last few days. The batteries died on the cam so I didn't capture everything, not that you would want to see three pictures of the same lasagna!

Lunch today was a little later than normal, because of the above, but when it came around I had soup. Asparagus soup from a box. And while its fairly tasty, it was a bit bland so I added some crumbled goats cheese to sharpen it up a bit, pepper wasn't going to cut it. Score.

Dinner tonight is roasted chicken fillets with zucchini and capsicum and green bean salad. I gotta say I am really looking forward to it. Easy, healthy, tasty.

I just have to add this pic, we were in Zehrs, the supermarket, and they had loads of food on special. One table of which was obviously dedicated to maple, because it includes maple coffee cake, maple dunking biscuits, maple tarts, mini maple tarts, maple pies, maple donuts, and something else, I cant remember, I was too busy drooling. I am glad we have no money because I would have totally gone to town on this table!

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