March 16, 2011

You would think after a massive steak for dinner last night and all those veggies and salad that we would have full tummies for a long time, right? Well it got to 9pm and both Lee and I got snacky, again, so we had some natural peanut butter on wholegrain bread. I really need to cut this bread thing out, but I guess as far as snacks go it could be so much worse....

Breakfast today was the same as usual. The grapefruit was rather bitter today so didn't go down a treat like it normally does.

Lunch was chicken mixed with a spoon of goats cheese & a few kalamata olives. Was delicious. Topped it off with a handful of almonds and a cup of green tea. It kept me going until dinner, which is good!

Dinner was veggie pasta - yellow capsicum, onion, zucchini and roasted eggplant. It was actually rather tasty. I grated some parmigiano reggiano on top, which was left over from the weekend's risotto shenanigans. I am hoping this keeps us full and satisfied so no need for snacking. To be honest I could murder an ice cream right now but all that dairy and sugar? Forget about it....

Well, as of tomorrow I start a temp job not far from where we live and where Lee works. Its a three month contract, so hopefully something good comes out of it at the end. It's a basic entry level job but it was time to bite the bullet, swallow the pride and its an income which we need. So all good!

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