March 25, 2011

Breakfast as usual this morning and an early start at work.

I ate some nuts, had some salad for lunch and that was about it. Seeing a pattern here?!
The salad was left over chicken from last night with left over salad from last night, without dressing. Was delicious, and really filling, I really wanted to take a pic but forgot the camera. I didn't even get to my apple or banana that I took in today.

Dinner was a treat, Lee cooked hamburgers and they were divine. Rissoles in thin slider buns with pickle relish and tomato sauce. F&@$!ng YUM! Thanks Lee xxx

I am planning on a few things food wise this weekend, because I am working and it would be great to cook something good and have a release, I miss my kitchen time. Tomorrow is Earth Hour so Lee and I have decided to have a candlelit picnic for dinner. I am thinking cheese, I am thinking meat and I am thinking bread. I was also thinking that on Sunday it would be good to make a stroganoff, another one that lost in one of the polls. We will see, stay tuned. Oh and please vote for the fishy challenge, its on the top right of the screen!

Peace out.

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