March 28, 2011

For breakfast we had grapefruit and a ryvita with natural peanut butter, with a cup of coffee, before whisking off to Service Canada to apply for our health cards. So relieved that is now sorted, now all that is left is for me to get a real job!

For lunch I ate the chicken pita work bought for me yesterday, and it was ok, a bit soggy but cant complain when its free and relatively healthy.

Had a few nuts and an apple this afternoon, and now its the end of the day, and we are starving. Got home, realised the chicken fillets were still frozen even though they have been out of the freezer on the bench for 9 hours. So thats screwed up our dinner plans, we have no back up pan. Plus today kind of sucked and we are feeling a bit down, so Lee has just left to go pick us up some Wendy's. You know, sometimes there is no point feeling guilty over having junk food, sometimes its just gotta be done. Chicken burgers a hoy, then a really early night again as we are both drained.

We have decided to extend healthy April to include no alcohol also, which we are both really happy to do again. We love booze, but its a drain on our motivation and our financial resources so its back to 'see ya later' for another four weeks. The next cooking challenge is at the end of April, 'might' break it for that. Which reminds me, if you haven't voted, please do! Top right of the screen, thanks xxx

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