March 05, 2011

Wow, dinner last night was amazing. We didn't end up doing the Vietnamese thing, instead we went to Moxie's in Guelph, it was closer. We shared a mushroom and goats cheese dip for starters, and then I had a steak salad, Lee had a bocconcini stuffed veal meatball pasta. Both were delicious, and I want to have a crack at making the dip. We used Lee's new work phones camera cos I forgot ours, this is how they turned out:

For lunch today I had a shredded chicken roll with a salad before doing the grocery shopping. Going to start the wellington around 4, I think its going to take some time. Will update later this evening, I hope its a triumph and not a failure!


Anonymous said...

I have been reading them all but don't get around to comment, but love the fact that Beef Wellington came out on top - I still remember the only one i ever had in Melbourne about 30 odd years ago - it was sensational
Keep it up Anna ... Joan

Anonymous said...

Glad someone else is making a comment. I have been watching this blog for a while. Very Interesting! Will keep an eye on it. I hope it goes the full 365 and will be looking forward to the Beef Wellington. Can I suggest a few actual recipes on the blog. A food critic from way back.