March 30, 2011

This morning we were going to have pineapple for breakfast but I suggested a smoothie and a peanut butter ryvita. So, after making the smoothie and getting well excited, we hooked in and they were disgusting! The juice I used (all natural fruit, no added colours, flavours or sugars etc) tasted so rank, like gross children's candies. YUCK. It wasn't off, it just tasted so artificial it hurt our jaws. 'Nothing added' my ass...

So anyway, had the usual salad for lunch, exactly the same as dinner last night, and it was good. I got snacky and was low on energy so I demolished a kitkat at about 2pm. And again, disappointment plus. Don't you hate it when you build something up to be great in your mind and its a total let down?

Lee and I met after work and we fell upon a beer and a burger each at McMullen's. I think I have said whoops too many time this week already but its our last one for a month so sod it! I am going to have to say today had a theme to it, it was the 'I thought it was going to rock my world but it just didn't' theme. Never mind, should be easier to be healthy now, right? Although the beer was mighty tasty.... mmmmmm....

Thats it for today, I know, totally not interesting at all. Until next time, eat well and love it xxx


Anonymous said...

Be an interesting month in April if it's no grog health time. The smoothie sounds awful. You need a juicer if pineapples are that cheap. Golden Circle juice is the way to go. I'm into celery juice. At $6 a bunch !!!

Spans said...

Yeah I think April will be a bit boring. Sucks, because I wanted to make the pork knuckle in beer that my good Swedish friends recommended, and also a strog, but all need booze! Going to have to get well creative me thinks...
And dang I would love a juicer! But the food processor comes first, and thats gonna take some time....

We will see!