March 23, 2011

We woke up this morning to an inch or two of snow, and were stoked. We thought it was over for the year, the grass was showing and it was warming up. But no, the snow came and cheered us up immensely!

BAU this morning, and the black coffee was lovely.

I didn't have time to eat until lunch, I had a salad and a small left over meat filo like we had for dinner the last two nights, it looked like this and was delicious:

I am totally loving the naked salads at the moment. I ate some nuts in the afternoon, and it kept me going until Lee picked me up and we realised we didn't take a meat out of the freezer this morning. That and the foot of snow that fell during the day we thought we would go to McMullens for a cheeky pint which turned into dinner. I had a grilled chicken wrap, and it came with fries, which I ate, but not all of them. The photo is crappy cos I took it on my phone. I don't feel too guilty about dinner to be honest, its been such a salad fest lately, and will be back to salad fest tomorrow again. While its good, its good to shake things up too.

Anyway, that was today. Very busy day, glad its over. Unfortunately it has stopped snowing, we cleared the driveway and I think this time its the last time until the next winter. We will see....

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